“Climate change is perhaps the most crucial environmental challenge of this century. Eleven of the world’s 12 highest annual global temperatures on record have occurred since 1995, leading many of the world’s top scientists and environmentalists to conclude that global warming has begun in earnest.While a great deal of attention has been paid to reducing emissions responsible for global warming, there has been far less focus on the role of population growth in climate change.Population pressures are not the sole cause of global warming, but exacerbate ecological degradation. Providing effective voluntary family planning to the tens of millions of women worldwide who lack access to affordable reproductive health services would be a significant step towards reducing human impact on areas left vulnerable by climate change.”
Extraído do " The Population Institute"
Assim, da próxima vez que algum homofóbico argumente que as relações gays são anti-natura porque não produzem bebés, diz-lhe que uma das principais razões deste planeta estar moribundo é a superpopulação para a qual não contribuimos.
(Acerca de uma reportagem da NBC Today Show em acesa discussão de café com um homofóbico)